woman in pink crop top and jogging pants looking at the mirror

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30 Positive Affirmations For Those Who Feel Undesirable

Even though it may be hard to believe it at the moment, you are desirable and will receive the love you dream of. Until then, here are 30 affirmations to use to remember that you are so worthy.

Feeling undesirable is a horrible feeling. It’s simply human to want to be desired and loved, and when you feel like you aren’t worthy of that it can really affect your mental. Even though it may be hard to believe it at the moment, you are desirable and will receive all the love you dream of. Just not right this second. Until then, here are 30 affirmations to use to remember that you are so worthy.

  1. I don’t chase I attract.
  2. Everyone who is supposed to be in my life will be.
  3. My past heartaches were a blessing in disguise.
  4. I am extremely desirable and the right person sees that.
  5. I am worthy of a great love.
  6. My love is on their way to me.
  7. I am protected and loved.
  8. Success will always come to me.
  9. I am blessed beyond measure.
  10. My inner and outer beauty radiates at all times.
  11. I only accept the type of love I deserve.
  12. I have great things coming for me.
  13. My journey is my own and others’ opinions are irrelevant.
  14. The right people stay.
  15. I don’t waste time crying over people who don’t deserve me.
  16. I light up any room I walk into.
  17. My love sees the greatness in me.
  18. People love me.
  19. People love to be around me.
  20. I am a positive example for others.
  21. My circle of friends makes me feel fulfilled, safe, and loved.
  22. I attract anything I want.
  23. I have endless love prospects.
  24. The people I attract are of quality.
  25. My past experiences have set me up for success.
  26. I am feminine and soft.
  27. I am loving and nurturing.
  28. I am hard-working and determined.
  29. I and the people around me are genuine, successful, and safe.
  30. I will receive the type of love that I give and deserve.

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