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Identifying Fake friends: 5 Telltale Signs

Nothing is worse than thinking you’ve found your best friend forever and realizing later that they aren’t who you thought they were.

Nothing is worse than thinking you’ve found your best friend forever and realizing later that they aren’t who you thought they were. As painful as it might be, walking away is better in the long run. Here are five signs they aren’t a true friend.

They Use Your Vulnerabilities Against You

It’s 2 a.m., you’re drunk and you and your friends open up about your traumas and vulnerabilities. You mention your abandonment issues. Weeks later, you get in a fight with your friends, and they decide to ghost you as punishment. Deep down they know what that means but do it anyway. Maybe you told them that you’re insecure about your nose and now they insult it any time they get the chance. Real friends don’t deliberately try to hurt you.

They Make You Feel Like a Burden

Everyone has their own issues and it’s not your job or your friends’ job to fix them. However, there is a certain level of understanding and care that a friend should provide in your times of need. If they act like your humanity is too much, especially if you’re consistently there for them, cut them loose.

They Don’t Communicate

You can’t read minds. They know that, yet still decide to not communicate. From not responding to texts, not expressing anger or discomfort and letting it marinate, or simply not talking out issues during a fight. Communication is key for any type of relationship. If they aren’t mature enough to do so, it may be time to part ways.

They Talk About You Behind Your Back

I had friends who lived together and when I texted them during a fight, they would respond separately at the exact same time. Coincidence? Probably not. True friends don’t feel the need to talk about you behind your back because if there’s an issue they will bring it directly to you. Don’t allow people to treat you at a lower standard than you treat them.

You Feel Lighter Without Them

“I feel so much lighter like a feather with you off my mind.” (Sabrina Carpenter’s voice) but seriously, when you let go of a toxic friend you instantly feel lighter. It may hurt and feel lonely at first, but you know deep down you made the right decision. You deserve friends who treat you how you treat them. You can cherish the good times while still recognizing that people change and you may be better off without them. When people show you who they are, believe them. Good luck!
